Enjoying Your Teenage Daughter
Teenage girls can get a bad reputation. Sure they are moody, filled with attitude and hormones beyond control but under all that there are golden nuggets of enjoyment. Being able to enjoy little day blessings about your teenager will make it so that when you look back on these years there will be fond memories. Here are some fun advantages to having a teenage daughter.
1. Back Up - As a woman, we have all been caught off guard by our monthly visitor, "that time of the month." Once your daughter has entered this stage she serves as a constant product back up. No more late night trips to the grocery store for you or your husband. Raiding her stash is a life saver. How about cash? I swear my kids have more money than I do. Without fail, I hit them up for change to pay the parking meter or tip the valet. Little life-saving moments like these make me glad to have teenagers.
2. She can use my credit card - Yes, I said this is a good thing. It is so nice to pull up to the grocery store, hand her my card, and tell her to run in for the milk. I pull into the parking stall and close my eyes for just a minute.
3. Makeup Tip- I know there are different ideas about when young girls should wear makeup. Mine loves costuming and makeup so she has a pretty good stockpile of products - and good stuff too! Recently we were on vacations getting ready in the bathroom together. Alas, I forgot to pack my mascara. So I borrow hers. I later notice her eyeliner was amazing. I ask to use it. I was given a long look that says, "mom stop stealing my stuff," but I take it anyway. I now have the best eyeliner.
4. The Conversations are Interesting - Gone and never to return are the days of playing kitchen and being made fake food. Sniff. Sniff. But replacing it are actual interesting conversations. I love hearing how she thinks, and why. She see the world from a different perspective. I won't lie, sometimes I have to grit my teeth and smile but overall I am glad she are talking to me.
5. Her Chores are Helpful- For over a decade, I am have been training her on how to do her chores properly. I remember when she would load the dishwasher and be so proud of her accomplishment. After she walked away I had to redo it all but not now! Dishes getting cleaned, counters get washed, bathrooms get scrubbed. The training investment is paying off. Now if I can get her to do it without the constant reminders.
6. She is funny - At this age she understands humor. Everything is not potty humor, that's my boys. When she wants to show me a funny meme or youtube video I jump. She says and does funny things. Laughing with my teenager reminders her that I am human and I do have a sense of humor.
7. Fashion Advice - Having a second opinion around is refreshing. I can ask her, "does this make my butt look big," or "do I look fat in this." and I will get honest advice. She keeps me in my age appropriate wardrobe lane and encourages me to step out of my mom zone and add a little pizzaz.
8. Starbucks Partner - I swore I would not have one of those Frappuccino loving teens and guess what? I have one of those Frappuccino loving teens. Never say Never! But hey I am ok with it. I can either send her in for my drink (see number #2) or I have a guaranteed coffee date. A 30-minute rap session over coffee makes her feel cool and I get to soak a few moments with one of my favorite humans.
If you have a teenage daughter, pray for her like crazy. Enjoy every moment for what it brings. Hug her a little tighter. Tell her you love her!
Tell her Often - She is Beautiful !