Live Paige Bombacie Live Paige Bombacie

IEW UNIT 4 - Short Essays

In just 4 Sessions students will learn to outline from larger text, summarize and write content in their own words. Title and Clincher sentences will be practiced to provide clarity.

In just 4 Session students will learn to outline from larger text, summarize and write content in their own words. Title and Clincher sentences will be practiced to provide clarity.

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Flex Paige Bombacie Flex Paige Bombacie

IEW UNIT 4 - Short Essays

In just 4 sessions, students will learn to outline from larger text, summarize and write content in their own words. Proper Topic and clincher sentences will be practiced to provide clarity.

In just 4 sessions, students will learn to outline from larger text, summarize and write content in their own words. Proper Topic and clincher sentences will be practiced to provide clarity.

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